Send vs Sent (With Table)

In this article send vs sent. You may think it is a simple one (yes, it is) but many of our readers are confused so we will answer the difference between send and sent.

We use verbs in a sentence to express or convey the state of action or the state of being. The verb helps to assert something about the person or object. It gives us a picture of what the person or object is, what it does and what is done to the person or object.

To evoke the mood, voice, tense, and other aspects of a sentence, verbs are used. Verbs work as the fundamental building blocks for the formation of a sentence and act as an action word.

Tense is used in a sentence to determine the moment of the action. Whether the action took place before, after, or right now, tense helps to describe it. The three basic tenses in the English Language include present tense, past tense, and future tense. This information will help to understand the differences between the words ‘Send’ and ‘Sent’. 

The difference between send and sent is that: send is the present tense of the verb ‘send’ whereas sent is the past tense of the verb ‘send’. Send is used to denote what a person or thing does whereas Sent is used to denote what a person or object is, what it or the person has done.

The word Send is used for denoting what a person or object does. With the help of its application in a sentence, the activity that is happening in the present moment can be described. Send has multiple meanings like to cause, to order something, to convey something. Let’s look at some of the examples:

  1. Do send me a message when you are fully dressed.
  2. You should send your brother to a coaching class.

On the other hand, let’s look at the word Sent. It refers to what an object or a person is; or what is done to the person or object. It is the past form of the word ‘send’. Take a look at the following examples:

  1. The gift was sent to her the previous day.
  2. I had sent my brother to our parental home to meet our ailing grandmother.

Comparison Table: Send vs Sent

MeaningIt is a verb.It is a conjugation of verbs.
UsageIt can be used as a verb and as a part of the active voice.It can be used as an adjective and as a part of the passive voice.
TensePresent tense.Past tense.
Progressive formsSend is used in the present form.Sent is used in the past form.
CommandSend can be used as a command or as an infinitive.Sent cannot be used as a command.
Construction of a sentenceIt is placed before the beginning or completion of the action.It is placed after the starting or end of the action.
Send vs Sent Table
Send vs Sent
Difference between Send and Sent

When should we use ‘send’?

Send has been originally derived from the two different Proto-Germanic words: sandijanan and sandaz. Sandijanan means ‘journey’ or ‘go’. Sandaz means ‘something that is sent’. In the archaic form, sandan means to send, to throw, or send forth. Some synonyms of the word send are – convey, dispatch, deliver, etc.

During the construction of the sentence, Send is used as a verb. It can be transitive or intransitive. It is an irregular verb which is why the spelling is changed when used in sentences denoting simple past tense. Let us look at some examples for a better understanding.

  1. Please send my brother the parcel.
  2. I will send you a doll.
  3. Send my best wishes to your mum and sisters.
  4. Will you send me a laptop?
  5. Bright always sends me a text.
  6. Do send your assignment by tomorrow.
  7. Send your blessings so that I can pass the exam with flying colours.
  8. Whatever fate may send is fine by me.
  9. Send all your work by email.
  10. She sends a letter to her mother every week.

When should we use ‘sent’?

‘Sent’ is the past tense and inflection of the verb ‘send’. It is used as a verb or as an adjective. It is used to denote ‘something that is on the way to its destination. The following example might help:

‘It was a heaven-sent opportunity.’

It acts both as a simple past tense and as the past perfect tense of the word ‘send’. It is used to point out the action that has either begun or has ended. It is also used in the passive voice to depict that something is done to the object or individual. Let us look at some of the examples:

  1. He sent a gift to his sister.
  2. He was being sent to a rehabilitation centre.
  3. I had sent you remarks on the topic yesterday itself.
  4. The assignment had been sent to the teacher much before the expiry of the deadline.
  5. I sent her the car as promised.
  6. Where is the phone I sent you?
  7. Who bought the laptop you sent?
  8. Where is the clip she sent?
  9. I had sent you a doll.
  10. His snack has been sent.

The term Sent is also used in the form of a noun. In its noun form, it takes on a completely different meaning. It is used to refer to the currency of Estonia.

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Difference Between Send and Sent

1) Meaning

Send is a verb whereas Sent is a conjugation of verbs.

2) Usage

Send can be used as a verb and as a part of the active voice. In the case of Sent, it can be used as an adjective and as a part of the passive voice.

3) Tense

Send is the present perfect tense of the verb ‘send’. Sent is the past tense and past participle tense of the verb ‘send’.

4) Progressive forms

Both have progressive forms. Send is used in its present form, Sent is used in its past form.

5) Command

While Send can be used as a command or as an infinitive, Sent cannot be used as a command.

6) Construction of a sentence

Send should be placed before the beginning or completion of an action. On the other hand, Sent is used after the beginning or completion of the action.

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