Is 5/8 bigger than 3/4?

Is 5/8 bigger than 3/4?

Is 5/8 bigger than 3/4? Let’s solve this mystery! When we are presented with two different values of fractions, you need to compare two fractions or more to find out which one is greater or smaller. Here we are presented with a problem where we will be learning and comparing two fractions 3/4 and 5/8 … Read more

Is 3/8 bigger than 1/2?

Is 3/8 Bigger than 1/2?

Many times we have to compare which is greater among 2 or more fractions. One such common question is 3/8 Bigger than 1/2? When two values are present in the form of a fraction then you have to learn to compare the values and determine which fractional value is small and which fraction is greater … Read more