What is 1/3 as a Decimal?

The conversion of a fraction to a decimal is important for you to understand the value of your data and compare it with other given values.

It is also important for various other mathematical expressions and there are techniques to get your number in fractions converted to decimals.

Here we shall learn how to convert 1/3 to a decimal value and know what is 1/3 as a decimal.

Basic Concepts

1) First, we need to understand the basic terms that are involved in the fraction value to proceed with the sum further

2) The number that is present on the top of the division line is regarded as the numerator of the fraction and the numbers below the line are called the denominator.

3) Here in this sum, number 1 is the numerator and the number 3 is called the denominator.

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Calculations to Convert 1/3 to a decimal

The conversion of a fraction to a decimal is one of the simplest processes that you can initiate and all you need to do is divide the numerator of the fraction by denominator where the numerator becomes the dividend and the denominator becomes the divisor.

Here in this fraction 1/3 the number one is divided by three.

Hence, 1÷3= 0.3333333 which is a recurring decimal digit.

1/3 = 0.3333333

The process of conversion from a fraction to a decimal is very easy and not many steps are involved in the process.

What is 1/3 as a Decimal? The answer is 0.3333333

What is the need for the conversion of fractions to decimals?

1) The conversion of fractions to decimals helps compare the two values of mathematical expression. If it is present in the form of a fraction then it will be tough for you to compare and determine the smaller or the greater values.

2) In our regular life, we always deal with currencies and money in the form of decimals, and thus the conversion of fractions to decimals is important for you to master.

3) The weights are also measured in the form of decimals and thus it is helpful for quickly converting the fractional values to decide for the convenience of calculation.

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