Lithograph vs Print (With Table)

Before we discuss lithograph vs print, let’s briefly learn about our history.

Since before there was a well-constructed language for communication, painting has served as a mode of communication for the ancestors of our race. So, this form of human expression is almost as old as our human history.

Drawing in their caves, little did our ancestors knew that drawing, the painting would become complex forms of art that would give rise to intellectual movements, new ideas, and a new way of looking at the world. In different time periods, various legendary artists have chosen different mediums for their artworks.

There is canvas, there is obviously paper, then there is cloth.  There are various art movements like impressionism, Futurism, pop art, surrealism, and many more. Preserving these artworks and finding the best-suited process for painting or printing has been a challenge for artists for centuries. This is where printing techniques like lithographs and prints come into play.

Lithography and print are two distinctive methods of producing art. However, the finished products of both processes look quite similar creating quite a conundrum. But when one probes deep into both the methods, one finds subtle yet distinctive differences in the methods of lithography and print.

The main difference between print art and lithography art is that art produced through lithography is the original artwork of the artist. The art print, on the other hand, is a reproduction of various artworks produced by different methods.

Comparison Table: Lithograph vs Print

DefinitionLithography is the process of printing original artworks using stones or metal plates.Print is the technique of reproducing works of art with the help of a printing machine. This technique is not used for original work.
MaterialOriginally lithographs were printed on Bavarian lithographic limestone using the principle of the immiscibility of oil and water. Now aluminum plates are also used for producing lithographs.Prints were originally made by stamping technique in ancient China using blocks of wood as stamps. Now, there are a number of print techniques that are easy and suitable for mass production like digital printing, screen printing, etc.
OriginalityLithograph produces original artworks, as such, it contains the signature of the artist.Print produces copies of original work so they are not original and don’t contain the signature of the artist.
OriginLithographs originated in the 19th century. This process was discovered by Alois Senefelder, a German artist.The technique of printing has been around for a while now. It started in ancient China in 220 A.D. Print as we know it today, became available when the printing machine was discovered by Johannes Gutenberg in the middle of the 15th century.
Time takenThis is a time-consuming process.In the modern days, this is one of the easiest ways of producing copies.
Lithograph vs Print Table
Lithograph vs Print
Difference between Lithograph and Print

About Lithograph

Lithography as a form of printing was developed first in the 19th century by a German author by the name of Alois Senefelder. He was at that time searching for cheap methods to print his plays.

The term lithography comes from the Greek term “lithos” which means stone. So, as the name indicates printing in lithography technique was done on stones, lithographic Bavarian limestones, which had smooth, flat surfaces suited for printing.

This printing technique is based on the principle of the immiscibility of oil and water, in simpler terms, it is based on the fact that oil and water don’t mix.

Lithography can likewise be imprinted in paper or some other reasonable material. It very well may be utilized for printing text and pictures and craftsmanship for projects or different purposes.

Lithography actually utilizes greasy ink, oil, wax, or fat to draw the art on the surface of the stone plate. Then a solution of acid and gum Arabic is coated on the surface which creates water-receptive areas and oil-receptive areas.

The printing surface is kept wet and the printing roller with oil-based ink rolled over the surface and the ink sticks only to the oil-receptive image areas, now a is paper pressed on the surface and the whole thing is run through a press. In modern times aluminum plates are used instead of stone plates.

About Print

Print is a process that produces literary works, artwork, pictures, and so forth by putting different sorts of inks, plates, squares, paper, or other material by applying immediate or aberrant pressure by offsetting a picture onto a  roller. This is one of the more convenient printing techniques and is used widely for the mass production of artworks or other items.

The method of printing on paper is known as woodblock printing and its history dates back to 220 AD China. Back then printing essentially meant stamping. The transfer of an image using stamp-like wooden blocks to paper using ink.

The wooden blocks were prepared for printing by carving the area that need to be printed higher than the rest of the surface. A major breakthrough came when Johannes Gutenberg discovered the printing press around 1450.

After that, printing became cheaper, therefore knowledge became more readily available. Printing press played a very important role in rising of education, advancement of the economy. Nowadays there are various methods of printing like digital printing, screen printing, etching, etc.

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Difference Between Lithograph and Print


Lithography is the process of printing original artworks using stones or metal plates. Print is the technique of reproducing works of art with the help of a printing machine. This technique is not used for original work.


Originally lithographs were printed on Bavarian lithographic limestone using the principle of the immiscibility of oil and water. Now aluminum plates are also used for producing lithographs. Prints were originally made by stamping technique in ancient China using blocks of wood as stamps. Now, there are a number of print techniques that are easy and suitable for mass production like digital printing, screen printing, etc.


Lithograph produces original artworks, as such, it contains the signature of the artist. Print produces copies of original work so they are not original and do not contain the signature of the artist.


Lithographs originated in the 19th century. This process was discovered by Alois Senefelder, a German artist. He wanted a cheap method of printing his plays. The technique of printing has been around for a while now. It started in ancient China in 220 A.D. Print as we know it today became available when the printing machine was discovered by Johannes Gutenberg in the middle of the 15 century.

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