Common Things That are 1 Foot Long – How Long is a Foot

One-foot-tall objects are present everywhere. However, do you know common things that are 1 foot long?

Here are several objects that help us to understand several dimensions and express them in the form of entities and things around us.

1) 2-liter Soda Bottle
2) Standard Rulers
3) Subway Sandwich
4) 2 One-dollar bills
5) 2 Ball Pens
6) 175 Quarter Coins stacked one above the other
7) 12 Human Thumbs
8) 3 Golf Tees
9) 12 Paper Clips
10) 12 Hockey Pucks
11) Length from Wrist to Elbow
12) Five Zippo Lighters
13) Skillet Pans

How Long is a Foot?

1 foot = 12 inches = 0.3048 inches = 30.48 cms = 0.333333 Yard

Common Things That are 1 Foot Long

Here we shall show several examples of objects that are one foot in dimension and easy for us to sight. Now let us check out these examples which will help you to understand what the measurement of one foot appears.

Some of these examples are so interesting that you will find them so easy to spot and will never be imagined. These were so common and were always present in front of us.

1) 2-liter Soda Bottle

2-liter Soda Bottle
2-liter Soda Bottle

We all love to drink soda and they are a good example for describing the length of one foot. If you visit a supermarket then you will be able to find soda bottles and cans of different lengths. A 2 liter soda bottle is almost 1 feet long. This makes it a very good example to understand 1 foot.

2) Standard Rulers

A standard ruler is 12 inches long and hence it is useful for measuring the length of one foot. This is a great example for you to realize the length of one foot properly. This is a great example for you to understand the length of one foot. We need to use a scale for measuring different objects and it is very useful for estimating common lengths and dimensions.

Also read: How Many Inches in a Meter?

3) Subway Sandwich

Sub Sandwiches
Sub Sandwiches

We all love to enjoy subway sandwiches which are loaded with veggies and healthy for us to devour. These sandwiches are made in different lengths like the 6-inches or 12 inches which depends on what length you choose to satiate your craving and hunger. We shall pick up the example of 12 inches subway sandwiches which are the ideal size to describe the length of 1 foot. Next time you are ordering a subway sandwich make sure you have used a scale to measure the length.

4) 2 One-dollar bills

A Dollar bill is equal to 6 inches
A Dollar bill is equal to 6 inches

The dollar bills are currencies of the United States and if you are a resident here then you must be transacting with these dollar bills every day at the stores, grocery shops, or while paying for your bills. The precise length of these dollar bills is 6.14 inches and hence if you can collect two such dollar bills then you will get an approximate length of 12 inches which is equivalent to one foot. Align the two dollar bills in a line along the long axis and then measure them with a scale. You will get the additive length of 12.28 inches which is approximately equal to 1 foot.

5) 2 Ball Pens

The general ball pen was discovered in the 1950s and ever since then, it has come to great utility. We all use these pens that are required for writing on paper. They do not get smudged with water and hence the ink is also useful when we are writing on an important document or in an examination. These pens have a length of 6 inches and when you place two such pens in a line then you will get the measurement of 12 inches.

6) 175 Quarter Coins stacked one above the other

US Quarter Dollar
US Quarter Dollar

A US quarter Dollar has a diameter of 0.95 inches and a thickness of only 0.069 inches. If you are a resident here then you must be using these quarter coins every day. A tourist may also have seen and have an idea of these coins that we have picked to describe the size of 12 inches. If you stack all these coins one above the other then the height of 175 identical coins will give you the measurement of 12 inches which is equivalent to 30 centimeters or 1 foot.

Also read: Human Height Compared to 50 Ft.

7) 12 Human Thumbs

Adult Thumb
Adult Thumb

Our thumb is used for measuring and comparing lengths of different types. In the earlier days, different body parts like the arms and palm were used for measuring length. We have made use of the technique to determine the length of 12 inches. More or less it is observed that the thumb of an adult human measured 1 inch and hence if you can place twelve such thumbs in a line asking twelve individuals to volunteer then you will get the measurement of 12 inches or one foot.

8) 3 Golf Tees

Golf Tee
Golf Tee

Those of us who play golf will be aware of this example that we are about to describe. These golf tees are used for balancing the balls before they are hit by the bat. The golf tees are about 2.5 to 4 inches in height and hence are good for describing the size of 12 inches. When you have three such golf tees in a line, their height will be equivalent to 12 inches. You can place them in a row to determine the length or arrange them on top of another to estimate the size of 12 inches.

9) 12 Paper Clips

Paper Clip
Paper Clip

We need paper clips for so many purposes and they are used for describing the size of 12 inches. These are versatile and colorful and used to hold the papers together. Hence if you can collect twelve such paper clips in a line then you will be able to measure the size of 12 inches. This is equivalent to one for. We have paper clips in the house and hence it is a good example for you to describe the length precisely and with ease.

10) 12 Hockey Pucks

Hockey Pucks
Hockey Pucks

The ones who are in love with playing hockey will be aware of what these look like and must be playing with them regularly. Now, these pucks have a height of one inch and hence if you can create an erect pillar with 12 such pucks in a line then the height of the column will be 12 inches or one foot.

Also read: Beer Pong Table Size & Dimensions Explained

11) Length from Wrist to Elbow

Length from Wrist to Elbow
Length from Wrist to Elbow

In the ancient days, the use of body parts for measuring the length of different objects was a very common occurrence. Before measuring tapes or scales were discovered the length of arms, and fingers helped in determining smaller and bigger lengths. The distance between the wrist and the elbow of an adult human is equivalent to 1 foot. Thus the length of half your arm is a good way of describing and imagining what the measurement of one foot looks like.

12) Five Zippo Lighters

Zippo Lighter
Zippo Lighter

Zippo lighters are regarded as one of the finest lighters of all time. They are used for measuring and comparing the length of 12 inches. These lighters have a vintage look and those of us who indulge in smoking must be aware of such lighters sold in the market. These have a height of 2.38 inches and when you align 5 of them along the length axis in a row, you shall get a length of 12 inches or one foot for your understanding and visualization of the given length.

13) Skillet Pans

12 Inch Skillet
12 Inch Skillet

Skillet pans are required in the house and you can find such ones in the kitchen. These pans are required for cooking delicious meals in one go. The length of the skillet pans varies according to the company from which we are purchasing. The length of the pan may be around 6 inches to 14 inches depending on your requirement as well. These pans are available in the standard size of 12 inches and are great for describing the length of one foot.

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