What is 46/50 as a percentage?

We would often be asked to convert a fraction into a percentage. For example, we may need to calculate 46/50 as a percentage.

Sometimes we need to express the given fraction in terms of percentage and you need to learn the steps for the way you can convert the given fraction to its percentage form.

Here we will take up the simple example of 46/50 where we will learn to change it to its percentage form. The percentage form can be expressed through different methods and here we are going to learn about both of them.

What is 46/50 as a percent? The answer is 46/50 as a percentage is 92%

Basic Concepts of converting a fraction to a percentage

1) As we all know that a fraction is divided into two parts, they are called the numerator and the denominator.

2) The numerator is present above the line of division and the denominators are digits that are present below the line of division.

3) Here, in this case, the numerator is 46 and the denominator is 50.

4) Hence when we are conducting division with fraction, the numerator becomes the dividend and the denominator becomes the divisor which divides the given dividend in the given process.

5) What do you mean by percentage- the process of percentage consists of expressing all the numerical values in terms of hundred. We can also say that during the process of percentage we compare the two values based on 100. In other words, the percentage is defined as a fraction of a hundred.

6) So if we write 45%, we mean 45/100, and if we say 70% we mean 70/100.

Also read: What is 12/20 as a Percentage?

Calculation to express 46/50 as a Percentage

Method #1

Step 1

In the first step, we are going to change the denominator value to a hundred and to do so we will have to divide 100 by the denominator.

100÷50 = 2

\[ \frac{100}{50}=2 \]

Step 2

In the next step, you need to use the value that was acquired in the first step to multiply with both the numerator and the denominator.

(46×2)÷(50×2) = 92/100

\[ \frac{(46\times2)}{(50\times2)}=\frac{92}{100} \]

Thus we see that the results of the change in fraction 46/50 to percentage form will be 92%.

46/50 as a percent = 92%

Method #2

Step 1

In the first step, you will have to divide the given numerator by the denominator where 46 is the numerator that acts as the dividend now and 50 is the denominator that acts as the divisor now.

46÷50= 0.92

Step 2

Finally, in the last step, you have to multiply the obtained results in decimals by 100 to yield the results in their percentage form.


Hence we see that when we apply both the steps to find out the results, the answer is the same in both cases. Thus it is clear that both the processes are valid and you can use any one of them, whichever is suitable for you to yield the results.

However, it is also important for you to understand both the methods carefully so that you can solve your sum either way if presenting, in exams.

If you practice the method every day with different fractions then you will surely be able to exercise expertise over the sums and find your answer without any trouble.

In this case,

The answer to the conversion of fraction 46/50 to percentage is 92%

Also read: What is 11/15 as a percentage?