What is 27/30 as a Percentage?

Expressing your answers in terms of percentage is a basic level of mathematics that all of us need to learn. Here we shall learn about how to convert a certain fraction 27/30 as a percentage without much hindrance following the stepwise methods that are explained here for your assistance.

Basic concepts of converting 27 out of 30 as a percentage

Before we get into the depths of the sum it is important for us to learn the basic concepts and definitions that are involved in the process and those are as follows:

1) A fraction (improper or proper) consists of two parts which are the numerator and the denominator. The numerator is the digit that is present above the line of division and the denominator is the digit that is present below the line of division.

2) Here, in this case, 27 is the numerator and the number 30 is the denominator.

3) Now as we need to define the concept of percentage, it is the method of expressing any numerical value in terms of 100. Or in other words, the digit is the fraction of 100. So if we take a simple example, the number 90% is the fraction 90/100.

What is 27/30 as a Percentage? In percentage, 27/30 = 90%

Calculation to show 27/30 as a Percentage

Methods #1

We have to adjust the fraction such that 27/30 can be expressed in a fraction of a hundred.

To convert the denominator 30 into 100 we need to divide 100 by 30.

100÷30 = 3.3333333333333

\[ \frac{100}{30}=3.3333333333333 \]

Now as we have the multiple, it needs to be multiplied with both numerator 27 and denominator 30 to find the results.


(27×3.3333333333333)/(30×3.3333333333333) = 90/100

\[ \frac{(27\times3.3333333333333)}{(30\times3.3333333333333)}=\frac{90}{100} \]

So your final results in percentage will be 90%.

27/30 as a percentage = 90%

Also read: What is 14/20 as a Percentage?

Methods #2

Step 1. First, convert the fraction 27/30 to decimals by dividing 27 the numerator by the denominator 30 and you will find the results as 0.9

27÷30 = 0.9

Step 2. Now you need to multiply 0.9 by 100 that is 0.9×100= 90 %

0.9×100 = 90%

27/30 as a percentage = 90%


Conversion of 27/30 to percentage will result in 90% as your final results.

You can use either of the processes to find your results as both of them are simple and do not involve any complexities.

There is no need for confusion among the students as the process is explained in simple language and terms for your better comprehension.

There is no chance of confusion among the students regarding the conversion of fractions to decimals and you can use it for any given fraction as long as you follow the steps carefully.

Also read: What is 15 Divided by 2 Using Long Division?

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