What is 1/4 as a decimal?

Do you wish to express 1/4 as a decimal? Here is a simple way to do so.

Conversion of a given fraction to decimals is a very crucial step in mathematical calculations. Here we shall learn to change the given fraction ¼ to decimals without much difficulty. Let us see the steps in which you can change a fraction to decimals.

What is 1/4 as a decimal? 1/4 = 0.25

Basic concepts

1) A fraction is made of two parts. The numerator is referred to the digits and the values that are present above the line of the fraction.

2) A denominator is a digit or the values that are present below the line of division.

3) During the process of division, the numerator gets divided by the denominator which acts as the divisor to the numerator that now becomes the dividend.

Calculation to express 1/4 as a decimal

The conversion of the given fraction 1/4 to decimal requires you to divide 1 by 4 to yield the results.

1÷4 = 0.25

1/4 = 0.25

That is all you need to do to convert a fraction to decimals where the numerator gets divided by the denominator and the final results are 0.25.

What is the need for you to convert a fraction to decimals?

1) Decimal is the better way of representing your sums and when you find your results in the fraction you must change it to decimals to yield the results and represent them in a much more systematic manner.

2) In our daily life as well we need to calculate volumes, mass, or currency often in decimal units. If you are visiting a shop then you will be given a particular quantity of an item for a set price which might be expressed in decimals. Hence the concept of decimals needs to be clear in your mind.

3) When you are adding a particular ingredient to your recipe the quantity might be expressed in fractions which in turn needs to be changed to decimals so that you understand exactly what amount of the ingredient is required in the recipes.

4) Even while comparing the values of two data or two given fractions you need to first understand and change them to decimals to compare and find out which fraction is greater and which is the smaller one.

Also read: How to convert 13/16 to decimal?