What is 36/40 as a percentage?

Want to find 36/40 as a percentage? Here is an easy guide on the process.

Expressing a fraction in terms of percentage is a very important mathematical process that you must learn as you may require its applications often in many places. Here we will take up the simple example of 36/40 as a percentage and learn the steps to that.

Basic concepts

1) A fraction is made of two parts which consist of the numerator that is present above the line of division and the denominators are the digits that are present below the line of fractions.
2) Here, in this case, 36 is the numerator and 40 is the denominator.
3) A percentage is defined as expressing the value of any digit in terms of 100. In other words, it is also described as a fraction of a hundred.
4) So if we say 65% then it means 65/100 and if we write 45% then it means 45/100.

What is 36/40 as a Percentage? In percentage, 36/40 = 90%

Calculation to show 36/40 as a percentage

Method #1

First, you need to adjust the value of the denominator which is forty in this case in such a way to make it 100.

To do so you have to divide 100 by 40.


100÷40 = 2.5

\[ \frac{100}{40}=2.5 \]

Now you need to multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 2.5 to yield the required answer.

( 36×2.5)÷(40×2.5) = 90/100

\[ \frac{(36\times2.5)}{(40\times2.5)}=\frac{90}{100} \]

Hence the required results are 90% when you convert fraction 36/40 to percentage.

36/40 as a percentage = 90%

Also read: What is 40/50 as a Percentage?

Method #2

Here is another way to find results and convert the given fraction to a percentage.

You need to divide the numerator 36 by denominator 40 to find the required decimal value.

36÷40 = 0.9

where 36 is the dividend and 40 is the divisor.

Now you need to multiply the obtained decimal value 0.9 by 100 to find the answer in percentage.

0.9×100 = 90%

36/40 as a percentage = 90%


Hence we can very easily find the results and convert a given fraction to a percentage without any trouble. Both the methods are simple for you to understand and if you wish to gain expertise in the methods then you must practice them with different types of fractions and change them to percentages.

Also read: What is 18/25 as a Percentage?