What is 13/15 as a percentage?

Want to show 13/15 as a percent? Here are the easiest methods to solve fractions to percentages.

Here is a guide for you to learn how to convert the given fraction to its percentage form. We often need the application of percentage in various mathematical expressions and problems and thus you need to learn the methods in which you can convert the given fraction 13/15 to percentage and yield the results.

Here we shall take the simple example of 13/15 and learn the different methods by which we can convert the fraction to its percentage form.

Basic concepts of converting a fraction to percentage

1) A fraction is divided into two parts which are the numerator and the denominator. The numerator refers to the numbers that are present above the line of division and the denominator refers to the terms that are present below the line of division/ fraction.

2) When we are dividing the fraction, the numerator becomes the dividend which gets divided in the process. The denominator acts as the divisor that is used to divide the numerator.

3) Now we must understand what is the definition of the term percentage.

4) A percentage is defined as the process in which we express any sum in terms of hundred or compare the greatness or the smallness of the term when considered with hundred. In other words, we can say that percentage is a fraction of a hundred.

5) So if we say 90% it means 90/100 and similarly, if we write 1% it means 1/100.

Also read: What is 12/15 as a percentage?

Calculation to show 13/15 as a percent

There are mainly two methods that are used for converting a given fraction to a percentage.

Method #1

In the first method, these are the following steps that are required in the conversion of the fraction to a percentage.

Step 1

You need to adjust the value of the denominator 15 such that it is equal to 100. To do so, you have to divide 100 by the given denominator 15.


100÷15= 6.66667

\[ \frac{100}{15}=6.6667 \]

Step 2

With the answer that you have obtained in the last step, you need to multiply it with both the numerator and the denominator to maintain a balance in the fraction.

(13×6.6667)÷(15×6.6667) = 86.667/100

\[ \frac{(13\times6.667)}{(15\times6.667)}=\frac{86.667}{100} \]

Hence the required result in percentage is 86. 667% when the given fraction 13/15 is changed to percentage.

12/15 as a percent = 86. 667%

Method #2


Here is a different way that you may use to convert a fraction to a percentage. You need to divide the numerator by the denominator in the first case, where the numerator acts as the dividend and the denominator as the divisor.


13÷15= 0.86666666666667

Step 2

Now you need to multiply the result from the last step by 100 to yield the final results.

0.866667×100= 86.667%

Hence the required result of 86.667% is the same in both cases and thus both methods are applicable for converting the fraction to its percentage form.

12/15 as a percent = 86. 667%

Both the conversion methods are easy and you do not need much effort or time for the same. However, you must practice again and again to become fluent with the methods and apply them to any given fraction. Thus the obtained results, in this case, were 86.667% in percentage.

Also read: What is 24/30 as a percentage?