How Big is 8 inches compared to common items?

Many times, we need to find out how big is 8 inches without the help of a measuring tape. In such a situation, guesstimating 8 inches using commonly found objects is a normal thing.

If we take a close look at different things around us then we shall note that each of them is unique and measured differently. However, to precisely state their length and breadth with a single cursory glance is not possible without a meticulous observation.

1) Height of a Bowling pin
2) Three-tenth of a woman’s footsteps
3) Four Golf Tees
4) One-fourth of a man’s footstep
5) One-tenth of a standard refrigerator
6) One-tenth the size of a Twin size bed
7) Roughly around the size of 1/10th the size of a giant Christmas tree
8) 15 Aspirin tablets in a row
9) One-twentieth the size of the Beetle (Volkswagen)
10) One-thirtieth the size of a Giraffe
11) One-fortieth the size of the London Bus
12) One-fifty-fifth the size of the Telephone poles
13) One-sixty-fifth the size of Brachiosaurus
14) One-seventieth the size of a Semi-trailer
15) One-seventieth the size of the Hollywood Sign
16) One-ninety-fifth the length of the Bowling Alley
17) Breadth of a Notebook Paper
18) Business Cards
19) Business Paper Envelope
20) Eight Paper Clips
21) Diameter of a Soda can
22) Five AAA Batteries
23) 8 Quarters in a row
24) Four Credit Cards in a row
25) Banana

How big is 8 inches?

8 inches = 20.32 cm or 8 inches = 0.666667 ft. or 8 inches = 0.2032 meter

8 inches compared to common objects

Here are a few objects that we have picked up and listed below to compare the length of eight inches. Studying these objects will help us to understand what an eight inches measurement actually looks like. Let us check out these eight inches objects carefully and compare their dimensions.

1) Height of a Bowling pin

Bowling Pin is 15 inch in height

We all have visited a bowling alley at some point in our lives. You must have surely played one game and thus be aware of the rules of how it is played. One has to roll a ball on the bowling lane and the ball has to hit the bowling pins stacked at the end of the lane. The more bowling pins you hit the greater the score. These bowling pins have a height of 15 inches and thus we can use it as an example to describe the measurement of eight inches. We can say that the measurement of eight inches is about half the size of a bowling pin.

2) Three-tenth of a woman’s footsteps

As we go to the shoe showroom we buy shoes that fit us right. The shoes of different shapes and sizes are displayed on the shelves and the shopkeeper helps you with your perfect fit. In earlier days, the use of body parts for measuring the length of different objects was a very commonly used method. So generally it is observed that the length of a woman’s foot is about 26 inches. Thus the measurement of 8 inches is about 3/10th the size of the woman’s foot.

Also read: How big is 7 inches? (With Visuals & Examples)

3) Four Golf Tees

The golf tee is 2.10 inch in height
A golf tee is 2.10 inches in height

If you have paid a visit to the golf course or are a keen player of golf then you must have seen the different golf tools every day. The ones who did not have the opportunity to visit the field also must have seen it on television, etc. The golf tees are of the measurement of 2.10 inches. Thus if you can align four such golf tees in a line then you will be able to estimate the measurement of eight inches. In other words, the measurement of eight inches is four times the height of a single golf tee.

4) One-fourth of a man’s footstep

Now as we have taken the example of women’s footsteps to describe the length of eight inches, we can also take up the example of a man’s footsteps to describe the measurement of eight inches. It is seen that the average measurement of a man’s footstep is about thirty-one inches and so with some calculations, we can see that the measurement of 8 inches is one-fourth the size of the man’s footstep to cite as an example.

5) One-tenth of a standard refrigerator

We all have refrigerators in our house that we use in our house. It helps us to keep the food fresh and the drinks cold. The standard refrigerator is about 70.50 inches. Hence with some calculations, we can see that the height of eight inches is about one/a tenth the size of the standard height of the refrigerator. In other words, we can say that the height of this 70.50 size refrigerator is about ten times the dimension of the fridge to describe the length of eight inches for example.

6) One-tenth the size of a Twin size bed

The beds that are available in the market are made in different sizes and shapes these days. You can buy a bed of your preference depending on the number of individuals that will occupy the bed. However, if we take the example of a standard Twin size bed then we will see that the length of these double-bedding Twin-sized beds is around 75 inches. Thus it can be seen that the measurement of 8 inches is 1/10th the size of the given length of twin-sized beds.

Also read: How big is 5 inches? (With Visuals & Examples)

7) Roughly around the size of 1/10th the size of a giant Christmas tree

The average height of the artificial Christmas tree is designed around 91 inches. Hence we can see that the length of 8 inches is roughly a little more than the 1/10th the size of the trees. There are different sizes of artificial trees that are available on the market and you can purchase one according to your preference. However, the standard-sized Christmas trees are widely available in the shops that you surely adorn for the festival. Here is an example to describe and compare the length of 8 inches with the height of an artificial conifer.

8) 15 Aspirin tablets in a row

We all are aware of the utility of an aspirin tablet. It is mainly concerned with curing body aches, headaches, and sickness. Now, the average length of the aspirin tablets is manufactured in a constant size which is 0.550 inches. So if you can align fifteen such tablets in a row then you will get the additive length of eight inches. Point to the starting and end mark of the row and draw a straight line. If you use a scale to now measure the length of the line then it will be around 8 inches.

9) One-twentieth the size of the Beetle (Volkswagen)

Beetle Volkswagen
Beetle Volkswagen

This model of car, the Beetle Volkswagen is usually spotted on the road since the model of the vehicle is very popular. You can also visit the showroom to view the cars and then you will have an idea of the example that we are discussing here. Eight inches are about 1/160th the size of this particular model of the car. The length of this model of Volkswagen is 160.60 inches and a suitable example that we take to describe the length of 8 inches.

10) One-thirtieth the size of a Giraffe


You must have spotted a giraffe in a zoological park or Reserve that you have sometimes visited in your life. The height of the giraffe along with its long neck is 220 inches. Hence with some calculation, we can see that the measurement of eight inches is about one-thirtieth the size of the animal. In other words, we can say that the height of a giraffe is thirty times the measurement of eight inches. Hence this is also an example for describing eight inches in real life.

11) One-fortieth the size of the London Bus

London Bus

The residents of London have daily spotted and travel in these buses to the office. If you ever visited the city even then you must have seen these buses on the road. The length of the buses is 330 inches. So if we calculate then we will see that the measurement of eight inches is only minuscule compared to the length of the bus, to be precise, it is about 1/40th the size of the bus. We can also describe it in words that the length of the London bus is forty times as large as the measurement of eight inches.

12) One-fifty-fifth the size of the Telephone poles

Telephone Pole
Telephone Pole

We spot telephone poles at the end of the road which are modes for communication. These telephone poles are of the height of 430 inches. Thus we can see that the length of eight inches is about 1/55th the size of the height of the telephone poles. We can also say that the measurement of 430 inches of the height of the telephone pole is about fifty-five times eight inches to cite as a suitable example.

13) One-sixty-fifth the size of Brachiosaurus


Fossils of this giant reptile and models are often placed in the museum and if you are keen on the evolutionary history of earth then you must be also interested in the zoological evolution of life forms. A visit to the Museum and Archeological Centre will reveal to you the giantess of the size of Brachiosaurus. They were of the length of 510 inches. Hence we can see that the measurement of eight inches is 1/55th the size of the giant reptile. In another way around, the measurement of 510 inches is 65 times the size of the length of eight inches.

14) One-seventieth the size of a Semi-trailer

Semi-Trailer Truck
Semi-Trailer Truck

The semi-trailers are used for carrying objects like heavy vehicles from one place to another. The semi-trailers are huge and comparing the size of eight inches with such a great vehicle is a massive measurement. The size of the semi-trailer is about 576 inches. Hence the size of eight inches is 1/70th the size of 576 inches. The size of the semi-trailer is 70 times the length of 8 inches. You can use this as a suitable example for describing the length of eight inches.

15) One-seventieth the size of the Hollywood Sign

Hollywood Sign

The Hollywood sign in Mount Lee, Hollywood Hills, Santa Monica Mountains, California) is of the measurement and height of each 590 inches. The measurement of eight inches is thus very small compared to the height of the object.

We can calculate the height of the Hollywood sign with that as eight inches to observe that the length is 1/70th the size of the sign. Thus we can also mention that the Hollywood sign is seventy times the size of the measurement of 8 inches.

16) One-ninety-fifth the length of the Bowling Alley

Bowling Alley
Bowling Alley

We all must have visited the bowling alley to play the game of bowling. The lane for rolling the ball shares a length of 754.170 inches. Hence the given length of 8 inches is 1/95th the size of the bowling alley. Hence we can also say that the bowling lane length is 95 times the size of eight inches. It is comparably a minuscule length to that of the bowling alley. However, the comparison is effective to describe the length well with a suitable example.

17) Breadth of a Notebook Paper

The standard notebook paper has a dimension of 8 and a half inches wide and 11 inches tall. Hence if you take a look at the notebook pages then you will be able to approximately estimate the measurement of eight inches. Notebooks are easily found around us as common stationery. Hence you can take your scale and measure along the breadth of the paper to visualize the length of 8 inches in real life. This example is very easily spotted and simple for you to perceive as an instance of describing the measurement of eight.

18) Business Cards

The business cards are used for providing one’s details and the credentials of the firm. The business cards are about 2 inches in length and you can thus align four such cards in a row and you will get the additive measurement of 8 inches. The business cards are again a very suitable example that you can use to describe the length of eight inches without any hassle.

The standard business cards are about three and a half inches in length. Two such business cards can also be placed in a row to show the average length of eight inches.

19) Business Paper Envelope

Business Paper Envelope

The business envelopes are designed in a standard size and they are easily available in the market for submitting letters and official documents. Business envelopes are a suitable example that you can cite to describe the breadth of four inches. These business envelopes are thus required in a pair to describe the length of eight inches. Take two such business envelopes in a line and use a scale to measure the breadth of the envelope and visualize eight inches. This is a suitable example to cite when used to describe the length of 8 inches.

20) Eight Paper Clips

Paper Clip
Paper Clip

The paper clips are available in different sizes and you will be needing the standard-sized paper clips of one inch. About right such eight paper clips are required to align in a singular row and measure the length of eight inches. The cumulative length of the paper clips in a line is about eight inches and is easy for you to visualize.

Paper clips are very easily available in the stationery store and are required for holding and binding loose paper sheets together. Hence here we have another example to describe the length of eight inches.

21) Diameter of a Soda can

Soda Can

You must have bought soda cans while you were thirsty or even a large water bottle. The usual diameter of the soda cans is maintained more or less constant at about two inches irrespective of the manufacturing companies. The measurement of two inches is used to describe the length of eight inches. Align four such coins in a row and you will get the accumulated length of eight inches. You can use a marker to point to the start and end of the row. Then use a pen to draw the line and join the two dots. When measuring the length of the line with a scale you will get the precise measurement of eight inches.

22) Five AAA Batteries

We use the AAA batteries for remotes and battery run tools, toys, etc. The length of the AAA batteries is 1.75 inches. Hence if you align five such batteries in a row along the length axis you will get the measurement of 8 inches. To be precise, 5×1.75= 8.75 inches which is very close to eight inches and suitable for describing as an example for one to visualize.

23) 8 Quarters in a row

The diameter of a quarter is exactly one inch so you will need eight USA quarter coins to arrange in a row and measure the length of eight inches. This is a very classic example that you can cite since the quarter coins are low in value and you can easily collect eight such identical coins to draw a line of eight inches.

You can also take some pennies to establish the same purpose, these pennies are about 0.75 inches in diameter and about ten such coins can approximately provide the length of eight inches.

24) Four Credit Cards in a row

Credit Card (4 inches)
Credit Card (4 inches)

If you can arrange four credit cards or visa cards then they are also effective in describing the length of eight inches. The measurements of the cards are 2 inches wide and 3.4 inches in length. Hence aligning four such identical cards in a row is useful for describing the length of eight inches.

25) Banana


A fully grown banana usually measures the length of eight inches. You can easily get hold of banana since it is a commonly found fruit in the market and describe it for the measurement of eight inches.

Also read: How big is 1 inches? (With Visuals & Examples)

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